Saturday, September 7, 2013

American Horror Story

Recently I've heard a lot about something called American Horror Story. Friends would mention in passing time and I never knew if it was a tv series or a movie. Recently I had a sick day and was browsing Netflix to find something to watch as I tried to rest and rejuvenate. I came across American Horror Story and watched the pilot episode and was immediately hooked. I absolutely loved the first season (yes I already finished it) and cannot wait to see the second. Here are a few screen shots from this eerily delightful series.

I love seeing this old victorian house and all of its wonderful character as well as the flashbacks in this show that go as far back as the early 1900s. Jessica Lange plays a big role and has won several oscars and golden globes. Seriously if you haven't seen this show yet you should try it out just in time for Halloween!
